Notizie correlate |
Arancia meccanica = A clockwork orange [Videoregistrazione]
/ starring Malcom McDowell ... [et al.] ; screenplay by Stanley Kubrick ; directed by Stanley Kubrick
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Barry Lyndon [Videoregistrazione]
/ a film by Stanley Kubrick ; starring Ryan O'Neal, Marisa Berenson ... [et al.] ; written for the screen and directed by Stanley Kubrick ; music by Leonard Rosenman
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Dr. Strangelove = Dr. Seltsam : oder wie ich lernte, die bombe zu lieben = Dr. Folamour = Il dottor Stranamore : ovvero, come imparai a non preoccuparmi e ad amare la bomba = Telefono rojo volamos hacia Moscu [Videoregistrazione]
/ [starring] Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Sterling Hayden, Keenan Wyn, Slim Pickens, Tracy Reed ; sceenplay by Stanley Kubrick, Peter George, Terry Southern ; directed by Stanley Kubrick
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Eyes wide shut [Videoregistrazione]
/ a film by Stanley Kubrick ; [starring] Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Sydney Pollack .. .[et al.] ; screenplay by Stanley Kubrick, Frederic Raphael ; directed by Stanley Kubrick
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Full metal jacket [Videoregistrazione]
/ starring Matthew Modine, Adam Baldwin, Vincent D'Onofrio ... [et al.] ; screenplay by Stanley Kubrick, Michael Herr, Gustav Hasford ; directed by Stanley Kubrick
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Lolita [Videoregistrazione]
/ starring James Mason, Shelley Winters, Peter Sellers, Sue Lyon; directed by Stanley Kubrick ; screenplay by Vladimir Nabokov
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Shining [Videoregistrazione]
/ a Stanley Kubrick film ; starring Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall ... [et al.] ; screenplay by Stanley Kubrick, Diane Johnson ; directed by Stanley Kubrick
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Stanley Kubrick : a life in pictures [Videoregistrazione]
/ narrated by Tom Criuse ; directed by Jan Harlan
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